Australia Update
Date: 17 Jun 2013
David writes:
Out of hospital today! What an incredibly happy day it is on the Gold Coast today - to think that 12 days ago I was admitted to the ICU at Pindara Private Hospital and today - to be told by the specialists that I have a clean bill of health and the pneumonia is most unlikely to ever return - this was just hugely exciting.
On top of that Karyn and I have my sister Sue staying with us on the Gold Coast.
I must admit that a week is a long time in life because a week ago I was in an induced coma and had no idea what my future held. I must say that Karyn and I have been totally overwhelmed by all the support from our friends and owners, our team members and from - in many cases - people we do not even know.
So to everybody thank you so much for your support and it is great to be up and out of hospital.