Te Akau Midweek Trackwork

Date: 12 Jul 2023


Te Akau track work highlights - Wednesday 12 July -

Course Proper:

Millefiori (A Gujar) galloped in company over 1000 metres in 1.06.2, final 600 in 38.1.

Hero Worship (T Wenn) and Dancarina (N Parmar) galloped over 1000 metres in 1.06.8, last 600 in 38.1.

No.2 Sand:

Brando (T Wenn) worked at three quarter pace over 800 metres, quickening for the last 600 in 39.7. Fierce Flight (R Sheehan) also worked over 800 metres and ran home in very similar time.

All Weather:

What You Wish For (A Sherwood) and Ruler Of Egypt (R Sheehan) worked at three quarter pace over 800 metres, quickening in the last 600 to finish in 39.9. My Lips Are Sealed (S Hyde-Richards) and Sense Of Timing (J Allen) also worked over 800 metres and ran home in very similar time.

Aromatic (A Gujar) and Challa (J Allen) worked (separately) at three quarter pace over 800 metres, finishing off in 40.1.

The Sky Above (A Gujar) and Bella Voce (S Hyde-Richards) worked at three quarter pace over 800 metres, quickening to finish in 39.4.

Never Forgotten (N Parmar) and Lady Of Court (T Melvin) worked at three quarter pace over 800 metres, quickening for the last 600, finishing in 39.6.


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