Te Akau Singapore Trackwork Update

Date: 30 Jul 2021

Te Akau Singapore Trackwork Update


Te Akau Singapore trackwork highlights - Kranji -


Thursday 29 July 2021

Track - (Good)


Sunset (Aiman) with Dinar (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 37.89; Sunrise  (Aiman) with Walim (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 38.19; Sacred Gift  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 40.22; Black Quail (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 41.87; Bleu Marine  (Shafiq) - C, 1000 ¾ 41.76; Broadway Success (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 40.69; Elliot Ness  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 40.75; Entertainer  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 40.79



Wednesday 28 July 2021

Track - (Good)


Sacred Croix  (Shafiq) - 800 ¾ /600e 40.46; Exdream  (Jerlyn) with Our Secret Weapon (Aiman) - 800e/600 37.43; Lady Roxanne  (Aiman) with Take A Chance  (Shafiq) - 800e/600 38.46; Maximillian  (Jerlyn) - 800e/600 37.11; Super Invincible (Aiman) with I Am Sacred  (Shafiq) - 800e/600 36.94; Wednesday  (Jerlyn) - 800e/600 36.36; Bad Boy Black (Jerlyn) - 800e/600 37.3; Red Riding Wood (Saimee) - 800e/600 37.41; Afalonhro  (Aiman) - 1000e/600 36.97; Sportscaster  (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 37.45; What You Like  (CC Wong) - 800e/600 36.91



Saturday 24 July 2021

Track - (Good)


Sunet (Aiman) with Walim (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 38.74; Sunrise  (Aiman) with Wednesday (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 40.64; Bad Boy Black  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 38.34; Our Secret Weapon  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 39.29; Cousteau  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 38.47; Hamama  (Vlad) - 800 ¾ /600e 39.23; Sacred Gift  (Shafiq) - 800 ¾ /600e 39.19; Lady Roxanne  (Shafiq) - 800 ¾ /600e 39.87



Thursday 22 July 2021

Track - (Good)


Boundless Glory  (Saimee) - 800 ¾ /600e 42.26; Time Lord (Saimee) - 800 ¾ /600e 42.13; Black Quail (Saimee) - 800 ¾ /600e 41.47; Entertainer  (Saimee) - 800 ¾ /600e 40.98; Bleu Marine (Jerlyn) - C, 1000 ¾ 41.76; Walim  (Aiman) - C, 1000 ¾ 41.85



Wednesday 21July 2021

Track - (Good)


Sacred Judgement (Aiman) with Savvy Command  (Shafiq) - 800e/600 38.19; Sunrise (Aiman) with Take A Chance  (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 40.24; Sunset  (Aiman) with Wednesday  (Shafiq) - 1000e/600 40.89; Buddy Buddy  (Shafiq) - 800e/600 37.1; Duc Huson (Vlad) - 800e/600 37.28; Brutus  (Vlad) - 800e/600 37.49; Speedy Missile  (Vlad) - 800e/600 38.11; Sacred Gift (Vlad) - 800e/600 40.67



Saturday 17 July 2021

Track - (Good)


Sunse t(Aiman) with Our Secret Weapon (Vlad) - 1000e/600 38.12; Sunrise (Aiman) with Take A Chance  (Vlad) - 1000e/600 38.71; Dinar  (Aiman) with Wednesday  (Vlad) - 1000e/600 38.93; Street Cry Success  (Vlad) - 1000e/600 38.24


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