Te Akau TV - Weekend Preview

Date: 27 Jan 2023

Te Akau TV - Weekend Preview

Welcome to another edition of Te Akau TV!

This week, we're joined by Te Akau Racing Manager Reece Trumper. Reece talks us through the week that's been including three winners on Karaka Million night. Tokyo Tycoon took out the Doubletree at Hilton Karaka Million 2YO, while Imperatriz was impressive claiming the Group 2 Westbury Classic and Maven Belle knuckled down to win the Group 3 Cambridge Stud Almanzor Trophy. They were supported by Patriarca, Zeitaku and Safura who all won well at Matamata on Wednesday.

Reece talks us through the team's chances at Trentham, Riccarton and Taupo. This includes Leaderboard in the Group 3 NZ Campus of Innovation and Sport Wellington Cup. The North Island is expecting more wet weather this weekend, so keep an eye out for scratchings.

On Sunday, the team will be busy at Karaka 2023 as they hunt down the next crop of yearlings who could feature at the Karaka Million meeting in 2024. They have been out at the sale grounds all week for final inspections as we narrow down out 'hit-list'!

Keep an eye out on the website and register your interest over the weekend for updates on new shares. Enjoy being part of our 7 time consecutive Karaka Million winning team! Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/ii8OIL

Good luck to all runners and connections - go the tangerine!


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